Install librdkafka on alpine docker

Install librdkafka on alpine docker

Made a few optimizations to reduce the size from 342 MB down to 218MB down to 53MB.

here is the gist to the the docker file.

FROM alpine:3.9
#vishnus-MacBook-Pro:librd vrao$ docker images |grep lib
#lib proper_cleanup 675073279e9c 4 seconds ago 53.3MB
#lib cleanup 7456af7df73b 2 minutes ago 218MB
#lib simple 9724aed9519c 7 minutes ago 342MB
######### simple install ################# -> 342MB
#RUN apk add –no-cache –virtual .make-deps bash make wget git gcc g++ && apk add –no-cache musl-dev zlib-dev openssl zstd-dev pkgconfig libc-dev
#RUN wget${LIBRD_VER}.tar.gz
#RUN tar -xvf v${LIBRD_VER}.tar.gz && cd librdkafka-${LIBRD_VER} && ./configure –prefix /usr && make && make install
######### cleanup deps ################ -> 218 MB
#RUN apk add –no-cache –virtual .make-deps bash make wget git gcc g++ && apk add –no-cache musl-dev zlib-dev openssl zstd-dev pkgconfig libc-dev
#RUN wget${LIBRD_VER}.tar.gz
#RUN tar -xvf v1.3.0.tar.gz && cd librdkafka-${LIBRD_VER} && ./configure –prefix /usr && make && make install && make clean
#RUN rm -rf librdkafka-${LIBRD_VER} && rm -rf v${LIBRD_VER}.tar.gz && apk del .make-deps
######### optimised Size with proper cleanup #################
# U need to install deps, build the library, and uninstall the deps in single command so that image size not polluted by these deps, example: if you run 'apk del' as separate RUN command , size does not reduce.
# as docker works on concepts on layers, each run adds to layers and u cant delete prev layer ->
# so we need to install deps, build librd kafka and then uninstall/cleanup the deps in single command to keep size less.
# Size of docker image > 250 MB without this logic, with this logic ~53MB
# for debugging run separately each command instead of anding them.
RUN apk add –no-cache –virtual .make-deps bash make wget git gcc g++ && apk add –no-cache musl-dev zlib-dev openssl zstd-dev pkgconfig libc-dev && wget${LIBRD_VER}.tar.gz && tar -xvf v${LIBRD_VER}.tar.gz && cd librdkafka-${LIBRD_VER} && ./configure –prefix /usr && make && make install && make clean && rm -rf librdkafka-${LIBRD_VER} && rm -rf v${LIBRD_VER}.tar.gz && apk del .make-deps
RUN export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/

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