Kafka – Restoring Under replicated Partition & Broker to ISR

Kafka – Restoring Under replicated Partition & Broker to ISR

I recently came across a scenario in kafka where our brokers have been pushed out of the ISR and partitions have been declared under replicated. This situation has been going on for weeks & our brokers cant seem to catch up. Due to this paralysis, partition reassignment is also failing/stuck.

Inspired by this blog post on kafka storage internals, i came up with a procedure to bring the brokers back into ISR.

Before i go into the procedure, here are few things to understand:

  1. Offset of message in a partition remains the same both in the leader broker and replica broker.
  2. Position of message having a certain offset in the log file in leader broker may or may not be the same in replica broker. It does not matter if the position matches or not because a consumer is only interested in offset not where its located in the file. But in practice, based on my tests, i have noticed its the same and i believe it should be the same.  if a message with offset 0 in leader broker, is say 10 bytes in length, offset 1 should be at position 11, so i would think the same applies to replica broker as messages are ordered and storing the message at a different position in replica broker does not make sense, it complex to have such logic.
  3. There are 3 important files in a broker log.dir to take note of :
    1. replication-offset-checkpoint -> for a topic partition, the broker stores the latest offset it has successfully replicated.
    2. recovery-point-offset-checkpoint -> for a topic partition, broker stores/tracks which messages (from-to offset) were successfully check pointed to disk.recovery-point-offset-checkpoint.
    3. log-start-offset-checkpoint -> for a topic partition, broker stores the first/earliest offset it has available at the moment. refer here.
    4. The format of the above 3 files is the following:
      1. first line is version
      2. 2nd line = number of info lines
      3. each line has topic name followed by partition followed by offset

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 16.00.13

Test Conditions to induce Under replication:

  1. 3 brokers, 1 zookeeper (kafka_2.12-1.1.0/ zookeeper-3.4.13)
  2.  ./kafka-topics.sh –create –topic test_isr –partitions 2 –replication-factor 2 –zookeeper localhost:2181
  3. broker with id’s : 0, 1, 2
  4. ./kafka-producer-perf-test.sh –throughput 1000 –record-size 1024 –topic learn_compact –num-records 100000 –producer-props acks=1 bootstrap.servers=,,

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 16.28.35Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 16.28.45

We notice here that brokerId: 1, is not a leader. lets focus on this guy for test simplicity.

Test Starting:

  1. brokers up
  2. start the perf producer
  3. after 2 iterations of producing stop/kill broker id: 1,
  4. wait for perf producer to finish.
  5. You shall notice that brokerid: 1 is now out of ISR and partition 0 is under replicated.

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 16.38.46

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 16.41.45

Broker 1 is out of ISR & partition 0 is under replicated and we have 100k messages published.

Recovery for Partition 0:

Note: my kafka log dirs is for brokers 0 , 1, 2 are following respectively

  •    /Users/vrao/work/utils/data/kafka-logs1.  –> broker 0
  •    /Users/vrao/work/utils/data/kafka-logs2.  –> broker 1
  •    /Users/vrao/work/utils/data/kafka-logs3.  –> broker 2

On broker id : 1

1. Go to the partition dir and move existing data to a backup dir.

  1. mkdir /tmp/backup_test_isr-0;

  2. mv /Users/vrao/work/utils/data/kafka-logs2/test_isr-0/* /tmp/backup_test_isr-0/

2. Stop Leader Broker i.e brokerId 2. (i.e. stop further writes)

3. Copy data from of partition 0 from broker 2 to broker 1:

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.06.02

4. Now Find the latest replicated offset in brokerId 2 from replication-offset-checkpoint file.

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.08.06

its 50000 for partition 0 of topic test_isr

4.1 Now edit replication-offset-checkpoint of broker 1 and update the value to 50000.

Before editing, you will notice the offset it has replicated is less than 50k i.e.

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.10.08

Now modify file and update 5514 to 50k. (5514 means it was able to replicate successfully upto offset 5514).

After modification file should be as follows:

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.12.00

5. Now Find the latest check pointed offset in brokerId 2 from recovery-point-offset-checkpoint file.

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.13.37

5.1 Now edit recovery-point-offset-checkpoint of broker 1 and update the value to 46353.

Before editing, you will notice something like

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.14.41

Now modify file and update 5515 to 46353. (5515 means it was able to checkpoint successfully upto offset 5515).

After modification file should be as follows:

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.15.56

6. Now follow the same steps (5/5.1 or 4/4.1) with the file log-start-offset-checkpoint 

i.e. <log.dir>/log-start-offset-checkpoint

Make sure that the offset for partition 0 for our topic in leader broker is the same in replica broker.

i.e. copy the value of partition 0 from /Users/vrao/work/utils/data/kafka-logs3/log-start-offset-checkpoint  to /Users/vrao/work/utils/data/kafka-logs2/log-start-offset-checkpoint.

If the file is empty or has no data , then u have nothing to do 🙂

7. Now we are ready to start broker id: 1

You will notice it joins cluster and ISR has expanded back !

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.25.37Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.22.53

8. Now lets verify if things are good with regard to number of messages.

Shut down the leader node i.e. brokerId: 2 so that our replica becomes the new leader.

From our test partition 1 was never affected so it will have 50k msgs and now our replica has become leader for partition 0 i.e. for other 50k msgs.

so we should get 100k msgs.

The following screenshot shows that our replica is now leader (brokerId :1 is leader) and erstwhile leader is offline.

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.29.40

9. Now start a consumer to the topic and you should get 100k msgs.

./kafka-console-consumer.sh –topic test_isr –bootstrap-server, –from-beginning

Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 17.36.02

So recovery is complete ! We were able to recover data from the erstwhile out of ISR broker and partition is no longer under replicated.

Ps: i did a video recording for same scenario for 50k msgs here, u can find part1 here and part2 here

Ps: I have seen some blog posts where people manually move data and edit the checkpoint files & recover brokers. i hope the above steps are logical . Hope to try in production! Will update if i do. From my test, things look promising.

and as always feedback is welcome.




My thanks to the authors of :

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for some details on log-start-offset-checkpoint u may see refer to this kafka confluence page too. Search for ‘log-begin-offset-checkpoint’

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